Welcome to the Mentoring Program at the United States Coast Guard Academy!

to world-class Coast Guard mentors for all cadets

for all cadets and mentors to develop, learn, grow, and lead

We offer the programs below to meet your needs

Cadet Mentoring


Running September - May, a formal program where a cadet is paired for the year with a Coast Guard Mentor. Matches are based on the leadership development goals, career desires, or other needs of the cadet.

Find out more    Join now 

USCGA Scholars Program


Running from CGAS Summer until Reporting Day, a formal program where a Coast Guard Academy Scholars are paired with current CGA cadets that serve as mentors. Matches are based on common academic backgrounds and interests.

Find out more    Join now 

Find a mentor. When you get that mentor, reach behind you,
and grab somebody else to help them up.
BMC Malia Chasteen, USCG

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